TimeLock on Parallel Withdrawals and Borrows

Rather than directly transferring the withdrawn or borrowed funds to the user's wallet, a time-locked agreement is established. This agreement specifies that the user has the right to receive certain assets after a designated release time. The funds are then transferred to a time-locked contract assigned to the user. This is done by the help of two smart contracts. TimeLockStrategy and TimeLock.

TimeLock Strategy

TimeLockStrategy is a smart contract implementation which calculates time-lock release times based on defined thresholds and wait times. It enforces limits on the total amount that can be time-locked in a given period and introduces an additional waiting period if this limit is exceeded.


  1. Flexible Thresholds and Wait Times: DefaultTimeLockStrategy supports three tiers of time-lock amounts, each with a distinct wait time. These thresholds and wait times can be configured during contract deployment.

  2. Period Limit: The contract enforces a limit on the total amount that can be time-locked within a specific period.

  3. Extra Waiting Period: An additional waiting period is imposed if the total amount time-locked within a period exceeds the defined limit.

  4. Period Reset: The contract automatically resets the total amount in the current period and emits a PeriodReset event when the period has elapsed.


  1. Calculate Time-Lock Parameters: The calculateTimeLockParams function is called by the associated pool to determine the release time for a new time-lock agreement, based on the provided TimeLockFactorParams.

  2. View Time-Lock Strategy Data: Users can call the getTimeLockStrategyData function to view the current state of the time-lock strategy, including thresholds, wait times, period limit, and total amount time-locked in the current period.

Smart Contract Data Structures and APIs

Data Structures


A struct representing the time lock parameters for an agreement.


A struct representing the factor parameters for a time lock agreement.


Enum representing the types of actions that can be performed on the locked asset.


A struct representing the current state of the time-lock strategy.



function calculateTimeLockParams(DataTypes.TimeLockFactorParams memory params) external returns (DataTypes.TimeLockParams memory)

Calculates the release time for a new time-lock agreement based on the provided TimeLockFactorParams (including AssetType, asset, and amount). Can only be called by the associated pool. Returns a TimeLockParams object with the calculated release time and TimeLockActionType (either BORROW or WITHDRAW).

Call Params

Return Values


function getTimeLockStrategyData() external view returns (TimeLockStrategyData memory)

Returns the current state of the time-lock strategy, including thresholds, wait times, period limit, and total amount time-locked in the current period. Returns a TimeLockStrategyData object containing the mentioned data.

Return Values

TimeLock Contract

TimeLock is a smart contract solution designed to facilitate the secure time-locking of assets, including ERC20, ERC721, and custom ERC721 tokens like MoonBirds. TimeLock enables users to create time-bound agreements, ensuring that assets are only accessible to the intended beneficiary after a predefined release time. The contract is managed by the ParaSpace TimeLock governance.


  1. Support for Multiple Asset Types: TimeLock supports ERC20, ERC721, and custom ERC721 assets, such as MoonBirds.

  2. Secure Time-Locking: Assets can only be claimed by the intended beneficiary after the specified release time has passed.

  3. Flexible Management by Governance: TimeLock allows ParaSpace TimeLock governance to freeze or unfreeze individual or all agreements.

  4. Bulk Claiming: Beneficiaries can claim multiple agreements at once, improving efficiency and reducing gas costs.


  1. Create a Time-Locked Agreement: Create a new agreement using the createAgreement function, specifying the asset type, action type, asset address, token IDs or amounts, beneficiary, and release time.

  2. Claim Assets: The beneficiary can claim the assets using either the claim or claimMoonBirds functions when the release time is reached. Bulk claiming is supported for multiple agreements.

Smart Contract Data Structures and APIs

Data Structures


A struct representing an asset lock agreement.


A struct representing the time lock parameters for an agreement.


A struct representing the factor parameters for a time lock agreement.



function createAgreement(DataTypes.AssetType assetType, DataTypes.TimeLockActionType actionType, address asset, uint256[] calldata tokenIdsOrAmounts, address beneficiary, uint48 releaseTime) external returns (uint256)

Creates a new asset lock agreement. Can only be called by the asset's xToken. Returns the agreement ID.

Return Values


function claim(uint256[] calldata agreementIds) external

Claims the locked assets for the provided agreement IDs. Can only be called by the beneficiary and if the release time has passed.


function claimMoonBirds(uint256[] calldata agreementIds) external

Claims the locked MoonBird ERC721 tokens for the provided agreement IDs. Can only be called by the beneficiary and if the release time has passed.


function freezeAgreement(uint256 agreementId) external onlyEmergencyAdminOrPoolAdmins

Freezes a specific agreement. Can only be called by an emergency admin or a pool admin.


function unfreezeAgreement(uint256 agreementId) external onlyPoolAdmin

Unfreezes a specific agreement. Can only be called by a pool admin.


function freezeAllAgreements() external onlyEmergencyAdminOrPoolAdmins

Freezes all agreements. Can only be called by an emergency admin or a pool admin.


function unfreezeAllAgreements() external onlyPoolAdmin

Unfreezes all agreements. Can only be called by a pool admin.


function getAgreement(uint256 agreementId) external view returns (Agreement memory agreement)

Returns the Agreement struct for a specific agreement ID.

Return Values



Emitted when a new agreement is created.


Emitted when an agreement is claimed and deleted.


Emitted when an agreement is frozen or unfrozen.


Emitted when all agreements are frozen or unfrozen.

TimeLock V2 Suggestions:

  1. Implement a protocol limit

    • Status: Under consideration

  2. Remove waiting times for small transactions

    • Status: Under consideration

  3. Introduce custom calculations for Uniswap V3 (decrease liquidity)

    • Status: Under consideration

  4. Develop custom calculations for rebasing tokens (account for amount changes during extended timelocks)

    • Status: Under consideration

  5. Enable support for Punk and ETH withdrawals

    • Status: Under consideration

  6. Add specialized functionality for BorrowApeAndStake and flash claim operations

    • Status: Under consideration

  7. Establish different pool limit waiting times tiers

    • Status: Under consideration

  8. Integrate decentralized consensus for TimeLock

    • Status: Under consideration

  9. AirDrop Support

    • Status: Under consideration

Last updated