const firstTokenId = 100;
const secondTokenId = 1001;
const pair = [firstTokenId, secondTokenId];
const desiredLiquidity = ["100","100"];
const minLiquidity = ["100","100"];
const hash = await api.tx.amm.addLiquidity(pair, desiredLiquidity, minLiquidity).signAndSend(currentAccount)
const firstTokenId = 100;
const secondTokenId = 1001;
const pair = [firstTokenId, secondTokenId];
const hash = await api.tx.amm.removeLiquidity(pair, "100").signAndSend(currentAccount)
Given input amount is fixed, the output token amount is not known in advance.
const fromTokenId = 100;
const toTokenId = 1001;
const pair = [fromTokenId, toTokenId];
const hash = api.tx.ammRoute.swapExactTokensForTokens(pair,"100","1000").signAndSend(currentAccount)
Given the output token amount is fixed, the input token amount is not known.
const fromTokenId = 100;
const toTokenId = 1001;
const pair = [fromTokenId, toTokenId];
const hash = api.tx.ammRoute.swapTokensForExactTokens(pair,"100","1000").signAndSend(currentAccount)
const baseTokenId = 100;
const quoteTokenId = 0;
const pool = await api.query.amm.pools(baseTokenId, quoteTokenId);