Money Market Guide

Lending How to lend tokens? Head to the “Lend” section of Money Market and click on any token you wish to supply. Currently Money Market supports a wide range of tokens, including sDOT/sKSM.


How to lend tokens?

Head to the “Lend” section of Money Market and click on any token you wish to supply. Currently Money Market supports a wide range of tokens, including sDOT/sKSM (from liquid staking of DOT/KSM), LP tokens (from adding liquidity on Swap), cDOT/cKSM (from participating in crowdloans) and many more.

Enter the amount, click “Lend” and confirm the transaction. Once the transaction is confirmed, you have successfully supplied tokens and begin earning interests.

How much interest will I get for lending tokens?

When lending tokens, there are two components of interests that makes up the Supply APY that are seen on the app:

What are the minimum deposits?

There are no minimum or maximum deposit limits. But there are chain transaction fees that must be taken into account when borrowing.

How do I use my supplied asset as collateral?

After you have supplied tokens for lending, simply turn on the “Collateral” toggle for the chosen token and confirm the transaction. Once the toggle is on (showing the blue colour), the token can then be used as a collateral for borrowing.

Please note that not all assets can be used as collateral. For more info on which asset is accepted, please check Risk Parameters.


What are the benefits of borrowing using my tokens as collateral, rather than simply selling the tokens?

Borrowing allows you to receive liquidity without closing your position (selling). This is particularly useful if you are invested in the long term future of the asset, and borrowing allows you to capture the potential upside while maintaining liquidity.

How to borrow?

Once collateral has been supplied (see previous section on supplying assets as collateral), you can select any assets you wish to borrow on the “Borrow” section. Enter the amount under the “Borrow” tab for the asset, which is dependent on the amount of collateral deposited. Once the transaction is confirmed, you will receive the borrowed asset and begin accruing interest.

How much can I borrow?

The amount that can be borrowed is dependent on the value of the collateral that has been deposited. This is also reflected in the “Health Factor”, which cannot go below a certain threshold. All the relevant parameters can be found here.

How do I repay my loan?

Go into the asset with an outstanding debt under “Borrow” in Money Market. Since you must repay your loan in the token as the one that was borrowed, you will see a total “Borrowing” amount under the “Repay” tab. Simply enter the amount you wish to repay and approve the transaction. Once the transaction is confirmed, your outstanding balance will go down and the health factor will increase (freeing up “Borrow Limit”).

How much does it cost to borrow?

The interest rate in Parallel finance is dynamically determined by the supply and demand of the market (see detailed interest rate model here). The latest borrowing rate is shown on the app.

Is there a repayment schedule?

There is no deadline or fixed time period for repayment. Provided the position is safe (see health factor) from liquidation, the borrowed position can remain open indefinitely. However, it must be noted that interests accrue over time therefore negatively affecting the health factor. Therefore interests accrued must be taken into consideration when considering when to repay.

What is Health Factor?

Health Factor represents the price ratio of your borrowed asset and your collateralized asset. It shows how close to liquidation your borrow position is. When the Health Factor reaches one, liquidation is triggered to begin repaying outstanding debt. The higher the health factor is, the ‘safer’ the position is from liquidation.

Health Factor ratio is determined by the market price of all the assets involved (collateralized assets and outstanding debt), as well as the risk parameters involved which can be found here.

For example, assuming 100 sDOT ($1000 USD worth) was deposited as collateral with a sDOT liquidation threshold of 55%. Then the user then borrowed 50 DOT ($475 USD). Therefore giving the user a HF of 1.15. Even though this HF is close to 1 (which triggers liquidation), since sDOT and DOT prices are highly correlated, the risk is relatively small. However the interests accrued still poses a risk to the HF.

Using the same example above of a collateral value of $1000 USD of sDOT, with $475 USD worth of DOT borrowed. If the user accrued $75 dollars worth of interests, then the HF would reach 1. Therefore users should always be aware of the impact of accrued interests on the overall position health.

What happens if my Health Factor drops?

Even though there is no repayment deadline, the health factor can drop due to a variety of reasons such as token prices and interests accrued as mentioned above. When the Health Factor drops to risky level (starts approaching 1), users can either repay the loan fully or partially to reduce “borrowed value” or they can deposit more tokens as collateral to increase “collateral value”. Doing either can increase Health Factor thereby reducing liquidation risks.

What if I get liquidated?

When your health score continues to fall and reaches 1, liquidation will be triggered to ensure the collateral position covers the outstanding loan. The system will begin to liquidate your collateral until the debt is paid, any remaining collateral will be returned to you.

Last updated